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Wound measurement for the big ones
Even 3 cm thick elephant skin can become injured 🥺 Veterinarians have published a study in which they use imito to measure how the wounds of Asian elephants reduce in size over time. imito's non-contact wound measurement significantly reduces discomfort and infection risk for animal patients 🙏 Pass the word to all veterinarians! 👉 Click here to read the full study
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Younis et al.
imito's method showed excellent validity and reliability (intra-rater and inter-rater reliability) measuring lower limb chronic wounds of 61 patients. The authors conclude that imito is a practical tool for tracking the wound healing progress in daily clinical practice.
Aarts et al.
Dutch clinical researchers from Erasmus University Medical Center found that imitoWound accurately and reliably measured 52 large, concave postoperative wounds. They also emphasized that the imitoWound app, compatible with any common smartphone, is better suited for daily clinical practice than laser-based measurement methods.
Guarro et al.
32 wounds were measured both with a traditional paper ruler and imito's digital wound measurement method. 3 parameters were analysed: wound width, length, and area. For each parameter, the statistical analysis showed that imito's digital technology is reliable.
Biagioni et al.
85 wounds on toes, feet and legs caused by vascular disease were measured with 2 different methods. There was no statistical significant difference (p = 0.121) between the two methods. Which means a wound area measurement with imito is as accurate as taking a photo with a normal digital camera and then calculating the wound area with the ImageJ processing tool. Moreover, the authors found imito to work accurately both on iOS and Android smartphones.
Do Khac et al.
61 pressure ulcers on flat skin, but also on curved skin, were measured in this study twice by the main investigator as well as by a co-investigator. Because of the good validity, intra-rater and inter-rater reliability, the authors conclude that imito's method could replace acetate tracing as the standard technique used to measure wound surface area.
Bodea et al.
imito can help to measure cat wounds as well 🐈 The authors conclude, that particularly (anxious) animal patients may benefit from the non-invasive and accurate wound measurement. They also note that imito is easy to use, especially because clinicians can use the application on any normal smartphone or tablet.
Mensah et al.
In this study, researchers tested the effect of a pharmaceutical (Ivermectin) on wound healing. imito’s measurement method helped them to precisely measure the wound area on day 0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, and 21 post-wounding. They conclude that low doses of ivermectin cream have the potential to be used in treating wounds with minimal scar tissue formation.
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