Research paper about imito's wound measurement: Mensah et al.
imito AG
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imito AG
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Mensah et al.
20 de outubro de 20201 min. para ler
Mensah et al.

In this study, researchers tested the effect of a pharmaceutical (Ivermectin) on wound healing. imito’s measurement method helped them to precisely measure the wound area on day 0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, and 21 post-wounding.

They conclude that low doses of ivermectin cream have the potential to be used in treating wounds with minimal scar tissue formation. The time-course of cutaneous wound healing was determined as the wound contraction using the formula below.

→ Read the full study

Measure Wound Healing Progression

imito AG
Ⓒ imito AG 2016–2025