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imitoWound App now also in Brazil
2 February 20233 min readAnita Vidurova
imitoWound App now also in Brazil

In Brazil there is a high prevalence of wounds. Especially among the older population. Chronic wounds, such as those caused by diabetes or venous insufficiency, are widespread and put a tremendous strain on the healthcare system. According to studies in Brazil, about 1.5% of the population, which means about 3 million people, suffer from chronic wounds. In particular, bedsores and diabetic foot ulcers are the two most common forms of chronic wounds in Brazil. In July 2021 the NCBI article reported about the study in which 229 patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus had 60 diabetic foot ulcers, resulting in a prevalence of 26.2%. Statistically based on these facts, it is predicted that the incidence of skin wounds among the elderly in Brazil will also increase due to an aging population and a high prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes. 

The large number of patients suffering from chronic wounds also leads to a high demand for wound experts in healthcare facilities. Similar to other countries, there is currently a lack of these experts in Brazil. This situation with the aging population, the high number of patients with chronic wounds and the lack of wound professionals has led to a very intense need for effective wound management solutions with the aim of improving the care of patients with radical wounds. In addition, the demand for e-health and digital infrastructure in Brazil has risen sharply.

For these reasons, imito is now also offering its app imitoWound on the Brazilian market. Brazil is now another country where imito is combating the shortage of wound professionals with his digital solutions in order to contribute to higher quality care for wound patients.

imito is therefore pleased to announce that imitoWound was approved by ANVISA, the Brazilian health authority, on 12/19/2022. ANVISA is an institution linked to the Ministry of Health and, as the coordinator of the Brazilian Health Regulatory System (SNVS), is also part of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS), which is present throughout the national territory. We are proud that imitoWound is one of the very few health apps that meet the strict criteria and has been approved by ANVISA.

imito is now ready to face the challenges and opportunities of the Brazilian healthcare system with its digital solutions. The main goal is to offer standardized wound management in order to provide a higher quality care for wound patients. Mainly, with imitoWound, the wound experts in Brazil can give the patient a transparent insight into the treatment and encourage further participation through our objective status and therapy documentation.

imito looks forward to helping shape the future of wound care in Brazil.

imito AG
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