Or I know that some hospitals take photos of all personal belongings and medications of a patient as soon as they are admitted. In that way it's all quickly documented, appears in the imitoCam timeline and then serves as a checklist when they leave the hospital again.
Can you remember an imito user who particularly impressed you?
Just recently, I was impressed to see how quickly Francisco José Moreno Rivero from Zurich University Hospital got used to handling imito. The way he now uses it on a daily basis, super precisely and super quickly - that's amazing and very rewarding to see.
Which of your regular tasks do you enjoy most?
I think in the end it's the discussions with our team. Seeing how an employee is absorbed in a certain task and what the strengths of each individual are. For example, we have people in our team who are simply super good at customer service, prepare a project in a very structured way and just serve the customers brilliantly.
If you had to choose: do you prefer to work analytically or creatively?
Creatively. Of course, I like a certain balance, but it's extremely important to me to be able to work creatively. We should not forget that as a company, either.
Regarding our apps, it's very important to keep coming up with creative solutions together with the team. We always aim to make them even simpler so that you hardly need an introduction and can get started straight away. I think we made quite a few more good changes regarding this last year.
For example, we have now completely removed the tap on the shutter button for the WoundGenius SDK. Depending on which part of the body you are taking a photo of, you may not always have both hands free to optimally press the button to take a photo. Now, if a calibration marker is recognised next to a wound, the app takes a photo itself.
How did you earn your very first money?
Probably while packing vegetable boxes for my parents - that's how I made some extra pocket money. I grew up with my parents organising and sending out organic vegetable boxes. So I probably earned my very first money with potatoes, broccoli & Co. We also occasionally had street stalls where we sold roasted pumpkin seeds.
Does sport fit into your life? Or did you do a lot of sport in the past?
Yes, sport still fits into my life - I discovered endurance running some time ago and will soon be running my second marathon.
I also go climbing from time to time at a climbing centre. If anyone in the Zurich area is looking for a break from their desk and would like to come along - let me know, and we'll arrange a slightly different business meeting.
I also used to do Wing Chun Kung Fu twice a week, but the fixed training times were no longer compatible with my travelling life back in 2017.
You are a regular speaker at events - is there a topic that you particularly enjoy sharing?
Authentic experiences and learnings from our every day start-up life. Especially when I talk about the ups & downs in the entrepreneurial world, e.g. a failed financing round, I realise how valuable it is for other founders.
Talking about it openly creates a special bond and helps others to learn from our mistakes. At the same time, it's a reminder that as an entrepreneur, you can deal constructively with difficult moments.
What kind of music or podcasts do you listen to in a quiet minute or even during work?
During work, I rarely listen to music, in the end, I'm in too many meetings for that. But what I am currently listening to (passively) a lot are children's songs. My daughter is crazy about her music teacher's own compositions - and that means I listen to them all the time too. Besides that, I really like the "Feelings" podcast by Kurt Krömer for quite some time now.
Chrysanth, thank you for starting imito 9 years ago and never stopping, overcoming obstacle by obstacle on your way!