Startup Track at World Health Summit in Berlin 2017 | imito AG
imito AG
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Medizinische Foto- und Videodokumentation
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Wunddokumentation & Wundvermessung mit KI
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Scan-App für Patientendokumente
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Wundvermessung zum Testen

Medizinische Foto- und Videodokumentation
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KIS, DMS und PACS Integration

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Startup Track am World Health Summit 2017
31. Oktober 20174 min Lesezeitimito AG, Maurice Codourey
Startup Track am World Health Summit 2017

World Health Summit 2017 Federal Minister of Health Germany, Hermann Groehe welcomes imito and others of the Startup Track.

10 finalists in Berlin, outstanding ideas and innovative business concepts that have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve global health. As a selected finalist for the Startup Track of the World Health Summit 2017 under the high patronage of the Federal Minister of Health Germany, Hermann Gröhe, the dense presentation by CEO Chrysanth Sulzberger rocks the stage.

The focus

Visual Collaboration Unleashed. Backed by Co-Founder Manuel Studer, imito mesmerizes the audience and the eight-member jury of the Startup Track with the facts of the digital «imitoCam and imitoConnect» solutions for hospitals. As smartphones changed our way to communicate, professional environments adapt quickly. That applies for digital healthcare too. In many hospital teams, it is common practice to use WhatsApp for a second opinion or to inform colleagues about the condition of a patient – the unsecure way of clinical collaboration.

CEO Chrysanth Sulzberger and the 3 minutes imito pitch at World Health Summit 2017 Berlin

Chrysanth Sulzberger emphasizes the key fact from the own survey of 500 European physicians: 52% of physicians already use the smartphone for clinical photo documentation (2015).

imitoCam steps right in these processes with 3 functions:

  1. The patient-centred recording of photos and videos of diseases and injuries, precise wound measurement included
  2. The immediate and secure exchange of the findings: Our Team Chat enables an interdisciplinary collaboration in hospitals
  3. The seamless and standardized integration of the visual findings into the hospital’s electronic medical records.

Startup Track result

imitoCam improves the quality of the clinical documentation, enables better treatment of patients.

imito provides seamless and standardized integration of the visual findings into the hospital’s electronic medical records.

The specialized service works in 80% of the Swiss University Hospitals already, imito shows the Startup Track audience 11 references of Swiss and German Hospitals. imito proves its solid foundation to the Startup Track guests. An already proven valuable helper for our nurses and doctors.

Manuel Studer and Chrysanth Sulzberger of imito are honored by the Federal Minister of Health Germany, Hermann Gröhe for participating the Startup Track

And the outlook? People at the World Health Summit 2017 Startup Track learned that imito will unpack even more powerful mobile technology in hospitals in the future. True digital transformation in healthcare, true simplification of the daily routine of doctors and nurses.

Collaboration unleashed. To play a role, to experience true contributions and to live the collaborative knowledge gain, imito believes in the instant and long term value of participating at congresses like the WHS Berlin. In this connection, we recognize not only as a startup company in digital healthcare that the continuous engagement to take on the challenge with a pitch and meeting people at the own booth, for instance, is a mindset.

At imito, the hearts of the whole team beat as one.

imito AG
Ⓒ imito AG 2016–2024