Since summer 2023, the Asklepios Klinik Wandsbek has been saving time every day with imito in wound and photo documentation.
imito AG
Planifier une démo
imitoCam app icon
Documentation médicale photo et vidéo
imitoWound app icon
Documentation et mesure des plaies avec l'IA
imitoScan app icon
Scanner les documents des patients
imitoMeasure app icon
Mesure de la plaie à l'essai

Cas d'utilisation
Photo et vidéo-documentation médicale
Obtenir une seconde opinion
Recherche et enseignement
Numériser des documents
Intégration DPI, DMS et PACS
Documentation de plaie

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imito AG
Planifier une démo
“The apps have made our everyday clinical life much easier.”
28 novembre 20241 min à lire
“The apps have made our everyday clinical life much easier.”

The medical staff at the Asklepios Klinik Wandsbek have been saving time every day with imito in wound and photo documentation since summer 2023. The solution is used throughout the clinic with 515 beds in over 15 specialist departments (including general and visceral surgery, nursing, orthopedics and trauma surgery, internal medicine, emergency clinic, ...) for cross-departmental wound and photo documentation. Our solutions imitoWound and imitoCam are available on mobile devices on smartphones and tablets and at the workplace and are fully integrated into the KIS.

“The best thing is its simplicity - it is self-explanatory.”

Statements like these are the result of the daily use of imito at the Asklepios Klinik Wandsbek. But just see and hear for yourself. The Success Story shows from three perspectives why our solutions make a real difference.

imito AG
Ⓒ imito AG 2016–2025