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Meet us at EWMA in Barcelona and DMEA in Berlin and directly book an appointment with us. 📆
XPOMET 2024 in Leipzig
The XPOMET in Leipzig was a great opportunity for us to present our AI solutions to an international audience and to end our 2024 event season in style.
En savoir plus
IFAS 2024 in Zurich
The IFAS Expo in Zurich is the most important meeting place for the Swiss healthcare sector. We were part of the Start Up Park with our digital solutions.
EPUAP Conference 2024 in Lausanne
The EPUAP conference is the leading European event on pressure ulcer prevention and treatment for stakeholders from all over the world. From 25 - 27 September we were there with our solutions.
DEWU 2024 in Bremen
The largest German forum on chronic wounds took place from May 15-17, 2024. One highlight: our presentation "Image interpretation via AI: State of the art or "Are we left behind internationally?"
EWMA 2024 in London
Our team was once again part of the conference this year. Find out more about 3 great trade fair days in London.
DMEA 2024 in Berlin
Once a year, experts from the digital health industry meet in Berlin. We were there again in 2024 with our digital solutions.
Nuremberg Wound Congress 2023
Since 2018, the Nuremberg Wound Congress has offered everyone who is interested in the topic of wounds an ideal format for finding out about and exchanging information on trends in wound treatment and digital solutions for wound documentation. The perfect place for us and our digital apps!
DEWU 2023 in Bremen
The German Wound Congress offers the largest German forum on the topic of chronic wounds and issues relating to care. We were there again in 2023.
EWMA 2023 in Milan
Our team was there in Milan this year. At our stand, visitors were able to see and experience live how we are shaping the future of wound management with AI.
DMEA 2023 in Berlin
The DMEA is one of Europe's most important events for digital health. Once a year, experts from the digital health industry meet in Berlin for three days. We were there again in 2023 with our digital solutions.
WUKO 2022 à Nuremberg
Rendez-vous à Nuremberg pour en apprendre davantage sur nos solutions mobiles pour une documentation standardisée et intégrée des plaies.
IWC 2022 à Cologne
Rendez-vous à Cologne pour en apprendre davantage sur nos solutions mobiles pour une documentation standardisée et intégrée des plaies.
Remscheider Pflegetag
Meet us in Remscheid to learn more about our app solutions.
IFAS Expo 2022 à Zurich
Rendez-vous à Zurich pour en apprendre davantage sur nos solutions mobiles cliniques
WundDACH 2022 à Stuttgart
Rendez-vous à Stuttgart pour en apprendre davantage sur nos solutions mobiles pour une documentation standardisée et intégrée des plaies.
Congrès Commun des sociétés Suisses de Soins de Plaies à Biel
Rendez-vous à Biel pour en apprendre davantage sur nos solutions mobiles pour une documentation standardisée et intégrée des plaies.
KH-IT Herbsttagung à Cologne
Rendez-vous à Cologne pour en apprendre davantage sur nos solutions mobiles cliniques.
Joint 2022 EWMA & Journées Cicatrisations Conference in Paris
Meet us at this year's EWMA & Journées Cicatrisations Conference in Paris to learn more about our app solutions for standardised and integrated wound documentation.
Digital Health Germany e.V. in Cologne
Meet us in Cologne to learn more about our app solutions for wound care and wound documentation.
DeWu Wundkongress & Pflegekongress in Bremen
Meet us in Bremen to learn more about our app solutions for wound care and wound documentation. Hall F43.
DMEA 2022 - Connecting Digital Health, Berlin
Meet us in Berlin to learn more about our app solutions at the Mobile Health Zone - Hall 2.2.
Euromedlab (with Roche)
Meet us in Munich to learn more about our app solutions for wound care and wound documentation. We are in the stand with Roche Diagnostics.
imito Keynote 2022 - How AI is Shaping Wound Care
On March 15, 2022, the imito Keynote will take place for the 5th time, again as an online event, on the topic "How AI is Shaping Wound Care". Our CEO Chrysanth Sulzberger and CTO Manuel Studer will report on the current highlights and present the imito Vision 2025. But we will not be alone in this! We are honored to announce our guest speakers: Prof. Sebastian Probst, Michael Rosenstock, Kim Becker, Dr. Alessandro Palese, Marcel Schevemann and Dr. Sofia Zahia. The event will also include an open panel discussion.
DeWu Wundkongress & Pflegekongress à Bremen
Rendez-vous à Bremen pour en apprendre davantage sur nos solutions mobiles pour une documentation standardisée et intégrée des plaies.
EWMA - European Wound Management Association Conférence Virtuelle
Rendez-vous durant la conférence virtuelle EWMA de cette année pour en savoir plus sur nos solutions mobiles pour une documentation de plaies standardisées et intégrées.
KH-IT Herbsttagung, CHU Münster
Rendez-vous à CHU Münster, Allemagne pour en apprendre davantage sur nos solutions mobiles pour une documentation de plaies standardisées et intégrées.
HIMSS & Health 2.0 à Helsinki
Retrouvez-nous à la conférence et exposition européenne HIMSS & Health 2.0 à Helsinki pour en savoir plus sur nos solutions mobiles pour les hôpitaux.
Meet us at the KIS-RIS-PACS und 22. DICOM-Treffen in Schloss Waldthausen, at the University Medicine Mainz
Rendez-vous à Berlin pour en apprendre davantage sur nos solutions mobiles cliniques sur la Mobile Health Zone - Hall 2.2.
Digitalisierung in der Medizin/Einführung in München
At the two-day workshop of the Klinikum Rechts der Isar of the TU Munich Chrysanth Sulzberger will present imito's app solutions in his presentation.
imito Keynote 2019
C'était un plaisir d'organiser à nouveau cette année notre Keynote avec le Health Innovation Hub du Kantonsspital Baden le 4 décembre.
We rocked conhIT!
Three days of great discussions with health IT experts, potential customers and partners. We are truly overwhelmed, proud and thankful for the positive feedback.
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