Meet Florian
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imito AG
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Meet Florian - our new Technical Project Manager
28 octobre 20213 min à lireChrysanth Sulzberger, imito AG
Meet Florian - our new Technical Project Manager

Florian, tell us a bit more about yourself.

I am 34 years old, have an almost 4-year-old son and have been living in Dresden for more than 7 years now. Before that, I lived in Berlin for 11 years. I started there in 2003 with an apprenticeship as an IT specialist for system integration.

I then "slipped" into the healthcare sector via my civilian service in 2009. Since then, I have remained loyal to the sector: first as an IT administrator for several hospitals and later working for a software manufacturer that improved speech recognition in medicine.

What inspires you to work as a project manager for our enterprise customers?

When I worked in the IT department for some hospitals in Berlin a few years ago, I found it very exciting when we introduced new smart tools for the healthcare professionals that helped them in their day-to-day work at the hospital. At imito, I can now help every day to introduce smart tools!

What motivated you to start at imito?

The question rather is: Who motivated me to start at imito? That was our product manager, Carsten. We know each other from our last job, where we worked closely together for several years. Besides that, he lives very close to me here in Dresden, so we’ve never lost touch after he started working for imito.

No, joking aside. After 7 years with my old employer, I was ready for a change. And the job as a project manager at imito is similar to my previous jobs, which include customer support, a lot of tech stuff and also being the intermediary between the customer and the product.

What was your first impression when you started at imito?

It was a strange feeling that I didn’t need to drive to an address somewhere and introduce myself on the first day of my new job. Instead, I logged in via video call shortly before 9 am and started my new job. That was a completely new experience for me.

Otherwise, the start was very warm and slightly chaotic. The fact that all my colleagues work remotely - distributed all over the world - is new to me, but it works really well.

What do you do as a project manager at imito?

Pretty much everything from installing our applications for new customers, conducting product trainings, adjusting the software for existing customers and of course troubleshooting problems. Through my work, I hope to create solutions that help healthcare professionals in hospitals to treat patients better and faster.

Many thanks, Florian!

imito AG
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