imitoWound Cloud Feedback
  • Documentation of Status and Therapy

    Rate the features below and provide some more information if necessary in the text field.

    Not relevant
    Additional comments? (please refer to the number of feature)

    0 / 5000

  • Wound Measurement

    Rate the features below and provide some more information if necessary in the text field.

    Not relevant
    Additional comments? (please refer to the number of feature)

    0 / 5000

  • Patient Data and Collaboration

    Rate the features below and provide some more information if necessary in the text field.

    Not relevant
    Additional comments? (please refer to the number of feature)

    0 / 5000

  • Wishes and Feedback

    Let us know if you are missing a feature or if you have any comments.

    0 / 20000

  • E-Mail

    Please provide us your e-mail address so that we can contact you if we have any questions.

That's all, folks!

* End page and disqualification logic can only be seen in the live survey
